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      [參考作文] 初中二年級暑假英語文章通用版



      懂得寫優秀的英語作文對于學生是非常重要的,生活中一些難忘的經歷就可以通過英語作文記錄下來。很多人由于積累不夠寫英語作文總是無從下筆,一篇好英語作文除了要有好文筆以外還要有明確的思想。你會怎么開始動筆寫一篇英語作文呢?以下是小編為大家精心整理的“[參考作文] 初中二年級暑假英語文章通用版”,供大家參考,希望有用。

      Take notice of the parents, show a happy smile on her face, with a relaxed pace, I walked to home.

      Oh! Under these days cant hear the teachers criticism, the mothers nagging is less, the ear can quiet will; Can sleep late, dont have to fight with every day, like in a great hurry to brush your teeth, wash your face, eat, go to school. Summer vacation started, how should I spend? I walk while thinking: can simply and friends and play, can also play computer fair and square... How happy! Think of happy, cant help dancing. But another thought, this idea wont work, because there are summer vacation homework to write, do not do, school teacher to criticism aside, mom and dad also wont let me play endlessly, plan also appears.

      If you study every day, then I have no time for play, how lame; If every day to play, happy, parents wont agree. Want to play, also cant hold up learning, how to arrange is better?www.lipstick2017.com


      [熱搜寫作] 小學二年級暑假英語文章:暑假生活精選

      在學習時我們時常被要求寫英語作文,在下定決心時就可以把自己當時的心境用英語作文寫出來。很多人寫英語作文時都非常迷茫,如果想把英語作文寫好,自己肯定是要下功夫的。最近是否在尋找一些優秀的英語作文呢?為了讓您在使用時更加簡單方便,下面是小編整理的“[熱搜寫作] 小學二年級暑假英語文章:暑假生活精選”,相信您能找到對自己有用的內容。


      this july, i graduated from primary school. i was enrolled to a good middle school. therefore, i had a happy and leisure summer holiday. in the middle of july, i attended to a summer camp. it’s about english. there were twenty five students in the camp. we all like english very much. together, we studied and played. there were many activities, team work or single performance. we tried our best to put ourselves into this big family. most of the time, we talked to each other in english. if we really don’t know how to express in english, we could ask for help. our teachers were so great that they could help us a lot. they were so active that make us acted as they did. i am happy to attend this activity.

      [熱搜寫作] 二年級暑假英語文章典范:暑假之三

      學習過程中寫英語作文是很平常的,生活中一些難忘的經歷就可以通過英語作文記錄下來。寫英語作文時常常被要求語言流暢,情感真摯,好英語作文除了華麗的辭藻以外明確的主題也是非常重要的。我們在動筆寫英語作文之前有什么好靈感呢?為了讓您用的更省心,下面是小編整理的“[熱搜寫作] 二年級暑假英語文章典范:暑假之三”,相信能對大家有所幫助。


      this afternoon, my parents and i went to huad shan with their friends.

      recently, they have developed a new feature such as gu keng coffee, yard coffee shop,bb.

      this time, we went to a place that has natural trees, flowers around us. on the side of the stone road, had a long river we could hear the water voice. it was very comfortable. the most i like it because there were not many people so that we could have a quiet condition.

      in addition, adults took noodles, fruits,teas to get more interest. people in there were so friendly; they could lend us the desk, the chair,everything we need.now, huad shan is not a place for hiking also a tourism scenic spot. we can go there with our family or friends on holiday. it is certainly can relax ourselves.

      there are full of busy nervous feeling in our usual life. so we took advantage of free time to go for relax. it is really a big enjoyment.

      [作文借鑒] 二年級英語文章:暑假游記其六

      英語作文相信大家都寫過吧,英語作文,是我們內心情感通過文字的一種方式。很多人寫英語作文時總是想到哪寫到哪,一篇優秀的英語作文其感情表達會很細膩和委婉。想要寫好一篇英語作文需要怎么做呢?經過搜索和整理,小編為大家呈現“[作文借鑒] 二年級英語文章:暑假游記其六”,歡迎您來這里參考。

      In the summer holiday, I will visit some places of interest in southern China. By visiting these places I can learn a lo In the summer holiday, I will visit some places of interest in southern China.

      By visiting these places I can learn a lot about our brilliant national culture. I will visit the Suzhou Gardens, the West Lake, Lu Xuns former residence and so on. I think I can broaden my horizon of our countrys culture during the holiday. It is very helpful and interesting.

      I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year. I liked green plants, clear rivers lovely amimals breathed the fresh air on the mountain sometimes i went swimming in the river. I kept a diary every day.

      I liked not the scene of the countryside, the people there. i helped them to do farm work. i also helped the children in the neighbourhood with their lessons. the children were interested in english. they were good at reading writing, not do well in listening speaking. i helped them improve their listening speaking. their parents thought highly of me. i realized that knowledge is greatly needed in the countryside.

      【寫作參考】 二年級英語文章:mypenpal其二

      小時候語文課我們經常會寫小英語作文,我們在寫英語作文時,可以靜下來認真思考事物。很多人寫英語作文的時候沒有明確的思路,為了寫好英語作文我們需要多加練習,哪些英語作文值得我們去學習和借鑒呢?小編通過努力,整理了“【寫作參考】 二年級英語文章:mypenpal其二”,供大家借鑒和使用,希望大家分享!

      I have a pen pal.Her name is Marry. She is 14 years old this year. She is a lovely girl. And she is from Australia.There are 3 people in her family, her parents are both workers.

      She has many hobbies,her favourite sport is soccer. She studies very well. Her favourite subject is music.

      This is my pen pal. How a bout you?

      [熱搜寫作] 高二年級關于我的暑假英語文章壹篇

      時光煮雨,我們會將心事藏于筆尖。英語作文,可以發揮學生的想象力,豐富情感。對于英語作文許多人都有不知如何下筆的感覺,為了寫好英語作文我們需要多加練習,我們怎么樣才能提高自己的寫作水平呢?小編為此仔細地整理了以下內容《[熱搜寫作] 高二年級關于我的暑假英語文章壹篇》,歡迎您閱讀和收藏,并分享給身邊的朋友!

      My summer holiday begun on July 7th.I love summer holiday because I dont have to go to school and I can enjoy myself with my friends.I often spend the mornings doing my homework.And I always watch TV in the afternoon at home because its very hot outside.And in the evening,I go swimming with my family and then hang out with my friends.I love swimming very much.

      My plan for August is travelling.I travel with my family every summer holiday.I like travelling because I can go to different places and meet different people.Sometimes I make good friends during the journey.And its very sad to say goodbye to them when the journey ends.



      【作文參考】 我的暑假英語文章五年級(篇三)

      語文老師經常會要求我們寫英語作文,英語作文,是我們內心情感通過文字的一種方式。很多人寫英語作文時總是想到哪寫到哪,想要提高語文分數,英語作文首先就要把握好。那么一篇優秀的英語作文究竟該怎么寫呢?以下是小編精心整理出來的“【作文參考】 我的暑假英語文章五年級(篇三)”,但愿對您的學習工作帶來幫助。

      Start a summer vacation today. Summer vacation, but what about summer vacation? Think it is want to do something different, but do not know where to start, and where the end ... ... perhaps did not start, did not end. Summer is the case, life is the case.

      In the eyes of the children, society is always full of good and the beautiful, life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of the big people, society is two sides, both true and the beautiful, but also false ugly, life with ups and downs. Why adults and childrens thinking so much difference? Conclusion There is only one: this is the most fundamental difference between maturity and immature.

      Everything in the world is double-sided. Adults rich experience, decided to see things more comprehensive. And children to mature, it will certainly need to go through some things. Someone said: Life is a big training ground, is grinding the stage. In this special stage, everyone will encounter happy things and sad things. Sad things will make people bear great pain, happy things will make people have a good mood. If the face of the mourning day, people tend to lose confidence and then give up on themselves, decadent sink; and face the wedding day, people will be confused by the front of things, the lack of social experience, easily deceived. Just as plants can not lack sunshine and rain, peoples experiences can not lack happiness and sadness.

      【作文收藏】 二年級英語文章:下雪(篇三)

      英語作文上稚嫩的文字總是記載著青春的模樣,英語作文,沒有固定的內容,都是每個人有感而發。我們常常需要以某個明確的題目寫篇英語作文,如果想把英語作文寫好,自己肯定是要下功夫的。到底如何才能寫一篇優秀的英語作文呢?下面的內容是小編為大家整理的【作文收藏】 二年級英語文章:下雪(篇三),相信您能找到對自己有用的內容。

      Today, I look out of the window, outside a snow-white, the original snow, this is the first snow in this winter! My back bags, walking in the street, the street of snow covered with footprints, big and small.The roadside small branch has some snow, like a winter grandpa to saplings on a white coat! Winter grandpa covered wheat with a thick layer of the quilt. Come to campus, Holly leaf, full of snow, the campus pine as hits the Christmas tree, very pretty. The a piece of white on the playground behind the teaching building, there are many small classmate snowball, the snowball fight there, who is already a big snowman.

      The first snow in this winter is beautiful!



      Hope the stars, hope the moon, and finally look forward to my long-awaited summer vacation. It was so happy! But even if happy, have to plan a good idea of how this holiday: Of course, the teacher left the job I dare to neglect it? So, this a few days before the precious time to the homework.

      There is such a sentence on the news: Summer support the childrens third semester, said the point is also good, my mother gave me a tutorial this year. However, I do not hate on the tutorial classes, and even like it. Because the teacher of this tutorial class is very humorous, each class will have our hearty laughter, laughter, we easily remember the focus of learning content.

      Of course, this summer is a good time to rest. So, I will be in the sleep of God every day to stay on the three pole.

      Naturally, my TV fans will never miss my favorite - TV. If you have 24 hours a day, I hope I have 25 hours a day watching TV

      I have been hoping to go to the beach to see, this summer is just to achieve my desire. The thought of the sea in the bloody salty sea breeze, can swim in the vast sea, can play on the golden beach, really hope that day soon come.

      Near the school, I need to earn some pocket money, so take care of her that one month big baby. This little baby is very cute. I can play with her, but also can earn pocket money. This is really a beauty errand it!

      Summer, ah, you come quickly, let me put all this into reality!

      [實用寫作] 二年級英語文章:old woman最新范文

      大家接觸到英語作文的頻率是很高的,英語作文,可以描寫身邊的細微事物,也可以大膽想象。我們平常寫英語作文要立意準確,不然就會跑題,寫好英語作文練習是非常重要的,那么一篇優秀的英語作文究竟該怎么寫呢?小編經過搜集和處理,為您提供[實用寫作] 二年級英語文章:old woman最新范文,供大家參考,希望有用。

      One afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand,she was going to do some shopping.

      Just then a car ran up fast and she was knocked down. One of her legs was hurt and she couldnt move any more. A kind cleaner saw this and rushed to her at once. He helped her stand up and took her to the nearest hospital. What a warm-hearted man he was!
