[參考作文] 五年級敘事作文:一堂有趣的英語課寫作范例
根據學校的要求,學生需要懂得寫優秀英語作文,英語作文,可以表達自己內心看待某事物的想法和感情。很多人都不明白寫英語作文的思路,一篇優秀的英語作文,背后肯定會反復推敲和修改。換做是你,你會怎么樣寫英語作文呢?為滿足您的需求,小編特地編輯了“[參考作文] 五年級敘事作文:一堂有趣的英語課寫作范例”,供大家參考,希望能幫助到有需要的朋友。
第二節課是英語課,“叮鈴鈴,叮鈴鈴”上課的鈴聲響起來了,原本還是一個充滿著歡聲笑語的教室,立刻因為這個鈴聲而變得安靜下來。過了幾分鐘老師來了,把一切都準備好了之后,老師拍了拍手,笑著對我們說:“同學們,今天我們先來做一個游戲好不好?”一聽到游戲同學們便異口同聲地說:“好!”說完后班上就議論開了,你一言我一語地說著,可大家都不知道到底是什么游戲。老師接著說:“同學們,今天我們做的是 ‘What’s missing?’這個游戲。下面同學們請看電腦,這個游戲是考驗大家的記憶力,下面我會給大家放一批圖片,請大家記住它們,然后我會從中拿走一張,這時請大家憑著記憶想出這少了的是哪個圖,并用英語說出來。好,現在游戲開始。”緊接著電腦上出現了五幅圖,分別是“購物中心﹑郵局﹑小學﹑中學﹑歷史博物館”。這時老師問:“同學們都記住了嗎?”“恩,記住了。”“好?!比缓箅娔X上只剩四幅圖了?!罢l知道現在少了哪一幅圖???”說著老師還做出了一個舉手的動作。老師話音未落,就有同學舉手了?!昂茫湍阏f吧!”這位同學站起來說:“少了‘a shopping centre’這個詞。”“恩,真不錯,恭喜你答對了?!崩蠋熞琅f笑著說……就這樣一節課就在游戲的快樂氣氛中結束了。
【寫作參考】 小學五年級英語作文
寫英語作文這種經歷大家都經歷過吧,在下定決心時就可以把自己當時的心境用英語作文寫出來。很多人寫出來的英語作文都是千篇一律,一篇好英語作文能夠讓閱讀的人身臨其境。怎么寫出一片優秀的英語作文呢?請您閱讀小編整理的《【寫作參考】 小學五年級英語作文》,但愿對您的學習工作帶來幫助。
I have a beautiful school.
In the spring,the weather become warmer and warmer.And the trees become green.Some birds are singing on the trees.The flowers are open.Some butterflies are fly over the flowers.In the fall,the weather is windy.The leaves of trees like butterflies are in the sky.
What a beautiful school is!I like my school.
[推薦寫作] 五年級英語作文:The Cat范例
相信大家都或多或少接觸過英語作文吧,寫英語作文可以提高人們的觀察力,聯想力和想象力。很多人對于寫英語作文很是頭疼和迷茫,為了寫好英語作文我們不妨多看看別人的佳作。我們怎么樣才能提高自己的寫作水平呢?小編通過精心篩選,為您整理了“[推薦寫作] 五年級英語作文:The Cat范例”,歡迎大家閱讀,希望對大家有所幫助。
Would you like cats ? I have a cat , One years ago , my mather boagh it for me 。 Its name is ding dang 。the cat is white and yellow。 Its a lovely cat。 It has bright eyes。
The cat and 。I often play ball in the youd ,it is catching mice at night。
The cat is house animals, Its favourite food is fish and mice。
It is my good friend ,my family likes the cat。
作文借鑒: 小學五年級英語作文范例
相信身為學生,對于英語作文是非常熟悉的吧,通過寫英語作文我們可以防止忘記重要的事情。我們常常要以某個明確的主題寫一篇英語作文,一篇好英語作文能夠讓閱讀之人感受作者當時的心情。一篇優秀的英語作文是怎么樣的呢?考慮到您的需要,小編特地編輯了“作文借鑒: 小學五年級英語作文范例”,還是希望可以對您有所幫助。
Night when the waves of blowing autumn, peace flooded, at this moment, my family has heard a burst of loud.
"Told you several times, you do not talk nonsense, okay," her mother yell of "not to play with you later"
"Yeah, without no zone, there are no big" I Lengheng a cry, what is so amazing, not that you go out to play, I do not go out is not enough, while I muttered to the side of his mouth, then, do not know when the tears from my cheeks over the edge, I fight back, hard wiped away tears, did not let my mother found. When I go back to looking at her mother, she has gone, this time I, under the endless tears like rain, like tears one hand side, I have some regret, I should not have told her to do that, then time when I said something wrong, should not my mother this way, I grew more and more sad, sorry.
Middle of the night, I had the sheets to the board, do not know what pair of warm hands on my quilt cover in my body again, cover tightly, and then on the side like a look at me, back when she's gone the time, I found it was a familiar figure - her mother, then, I could not conceal his grief, burst into tears up, my mother heard, and quickly run over.
"How, baby, why you crying" Mom stroked my face and spoke, he wiped my tears
"Hum, my mother, I was wrong," I said, holding her mother crying
"No, baby, you is not wrong, your mother should not be so fierce on the" mother smiled at me
I feel as if a lot easier, I carried my mother, while an apology, while the tears flowing
Mom, thank you for your love, I am wrong, please forgive me, I should not talk nonsense, I should not have you angry, I know you love my mother, and I will always love you, my good mother ! !
【寫作參考】 五年級英語文章:今年的假期(一)(篇四)
相信身為學生,對于英語作文是非常熟悉的吧,英語作文的內容,來源于我們對生活的觀察。對于英語作文,大家都有一些厭惡心理,所以說,寫英語作文是需要一朝一夕慢慢累積的。那么一篇英語作文要怎么才能寫好呢?小編通過努力,整理了“【寫作參考】 五年級英語文章:今年的假期(一)(篇四)”,相信您能找到對自己有用的內容。
I had a long holiday for may day .I was very happy, because i could do anything i want.
During those days. I enjoyed myself. at first, i went to the zoo to see lovely animals. And then, i went to the sea world to see beautiful fishes. That was very interesting. Secondly i went for a trip with my parents, we went to linxia to visit my grandparents and to eat minority’s foods. We rode horse on the grassland and had a fun with local children. It was very exciting. after that, i held a party and invited some of my best friends to visit my house. My mother bought a lot of tasty foods for us, we also took many photos on the party.
【作文參考】 五年級英語作文其八
我們會將心事藏于筆尖,寫進英語作文里。通過寫英語作文我們可以防止忘記重要的事情。很多人寫英語作文時都無從下筆,一篇好英語作文切忌東拉西扯。那么究竟該怎么寫一篇優秀的英語作文呢?下面是由小編為大家整理的“【作文參考】 五年級英語作文其八”,相信對您有參考學習的作用。
【作文參考】 五年級英語作文季度范文精選
學生時代的我們經常會寫英語作文,通過寫英語作文可以把我們心中的想法表達出來。有些人在寫英語作文時總是喜歡用許多空話,寫好英語作文的前提就是要多觀察、多動手寫。優秀的英語作文要怎么寫才好呢?為此,小編從網絡上為大家精心整理了《【作文參考】 五年級英語作文季度范文精選》,大家不妨來參考。希望您能喜歡!
Christmas morning! Children like to wake up early while it's still dark and sneak into the living room to check the presents——find any with their name on it, shake them to guess what's inside, and then maybe they'll go back to bed and pretend they are still asleep when their parents come to wake them with a "Merry Christmas!" .
But almost no one I know gets completely dressed or eats a regular breakfast first thing Christmas morning. They just put on a robe or wear their pajamas and go to see what's under the Christmas tree. Some Christian families have a tradition of reading the Bible story of Jesus' birth. Maybe it's to remind the children that Christmas is Jesus' birthday.
Someone will begin to take the presents out from under the tree, see whose name is on the package, and then pass them around. Some families wait until all the presents have been given out before opening any of them, while others open each one as it comes to them. There are many "thank you" to the ones who gave the gifts, new clothes are tried on to see if they fit, and of course the most interesting toys will immediately be played with.
Usually among the Christmas gifts will be some especially delicious candy or cake or cookies which everyone tastes. These sweet things may be the only breakfast many people eat Christmas morning. After the gifts have been opened, the room will be tidied up except where the children are playing with their toys. Everyone will wash and get dressed for the day.
Some people may go to a Christmas morning church service around ten o'clock if their church didn't have one on Christmas Eve. But most people will just watch TV. Well, most men will. The children may play outside or inside with their new toys, but the mothers will be in the kitchen preparing Christmas Dinner.
【寫作參考】 小學五年級英語文章最新模板
英語作文上稚嫩的文字總是記載著青春的模樣,寫英語作文可以把自己的思想和想說的話用文字表達出來。很多人在看到英語作文題目時不知道該怎么寫,一篇好英語作文是非常吸引人心的。你會怎么開始動筆寫一篇英語作文呢?為此,小編從網絡上為大家精心整理了《【寫作參考】 小學五年級英語文章最新模板》,相信您能找到對自己有用的內容。
【作文參考】 我的暑假英語文章五年級(篇三)
語文老師經常會要求我們寫英語作文,英語作文,是我們內心情感通過文字的一種方式。很多人寫英語作文時總是想到哪寫到哪,想要提高語文分數,英語作文首先就要把握好。那么一篇優秀的英語作文究竟該怎么寫呢?以下是小編精心整理出來的“【作文參考】 我的暑假英語文章五年級(篇三)”,但愿對您的學習工作帶來幫助。
Start a summer vacation today. Summer vacation, but what about summer vacation? Think it is want to do something different, but do not know where to start, and where the end ... ... perhaps did not start, did not end. Summer is the case, life is the case.
In the eyes of the children, society is always full of good and the beautiful, life is sweet and colorful. In the eyes of the big people, society is two sides, both true and the beautiful, but also false ugly, life with ups and downs. Why adults and childrens thinking so much difference? Conclusion There is only one: this is the most fundamental difference between maturity and immature.
Everything in the world is double-sided. Adults rich experience, decided to see things more comprehensive. And children to mature, it will certainly need to go through some things. Someone said: Life is a big training ground, is grinding the stage. In this special stage, everyone will encounter happy things and sad things. Sad things will make people bear great pain, happy things will make people have a good mood. If the face of the mourning day, people tend to lose confidence and then give up on themselves, decadent sink; and face the wedding day, people will be confused by the front of things, the lack of social experience, easily deceived. Just as plants can not lack sunshine and rain, peoples experiences can not lack happiness and sadness.
【作文參考】 五年級英語文章300字范文
英語作文相信大家都寫過吧,英語作文,是我們內心情感通過文字的一種方式。很多人寫英語作文時總是想到哪寫到哪,一篇優秀的英語作文其感情表達會很細膩和委婉。想要寫好一篇英語作文需要怎么做呢?經過搜索和整理,小編為大家呈現“【作文參考】 五年級英語文章300字范文”,歡迎您來這里參考。
讓我媽和老師商量了一下,老師后來告訴我媽,除了平時的單詞積累,其實經常聽英語歌也是挺有幫助的。當時我是一個非常喜歡聽中文歌的人, 最愛的就是中國古風的歌了,和英文歌的風格差的實在是太大了。突然母親就強硬的要求我聽英文歌,我肯定是一百個不愿意啊。我就覺得英文歌哪里好聽啊,和我喜歡聽的中文歌風格也是不同的,肯定不這么好聽吧。可是沒有辦法, 為了自己的英文成績,我也只好照做了,英語成績提高了一點, 可讓我更驚喜的是,我竟然發現英語歌也挺好聽的,這讓我也漸漸的喜歡起了英文歌。
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